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You want to come to Canada as a family under the study permit for college education, and you also want to get a work permit for your spouse and have your children attend free public school. Naturally, there are many questions and answers you want to find about this subject. I am presenting you with some information based on frequently asked questions and their answers.

ICCRC NO: R517776


Why is it important to be a student at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)?

If you want to register your child for free at schools affiliated with the Ministry of Education, you must be a student at a DLI while studying at a college in Canada under the International Student status.


What is a DLI?

These are schools defined and identified by the Canadian government.

How long can I work with a PGWP?

1-year education: 1-year work permit.

2-year education: 2 or 3-year work permit.

3-year education: 3-year work permit.

4-year education: 3-year work permit.


Can I study in a college in Canada if I don’t speak English or have limited English proficiency?

Yes, you can. After taking one or more semesters of English education, you can continue your vocational education.


If I enroll in language education and then in vocational education at a college, can my child attend a state school for free?

Yes, your child can attend a state school, but you must obtain a letter from the college that states: “Our student has enrolled in the Academic English department of our school and will transition to the XYZ diploma program at our school after completing the Academic English program.” If you do not have a letter written in this way, unfortunately, you cannot register your child at a state school, under the fee exemption status, during your Academic English education at the college! Application procedures may vary in different cities. “English as a Second Language (ESL) programs must be followed by a degree or diploma program as indicated on your letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution.”

Please pay special attention to whether the program is a degree or diploma program or post-graduated program.

International graduates’ children can benefit from free exemption education in public schools. A new law is expected to come into effect in September —, with some changes that may make it more difficult to enroll in Toronto. Our recommendation is to choose schools in smaller cities. Also, it is rumored that in the upcoming period, school fees will be collected in advance from families. Our recommendation is to start the student family application process as soon as possible and complete the registration before the —/—/— date.


What kind of program do I need to enroll in to send my child to a public school for free?

 Enrolling your child in a certificate program at a college in Ontario is not enough to send them to a public school for free. What is required is that you have enrolled in a diploma, degree, or post-graduate program. The program you take must be linked to a DLI-affiliated college to be eligible for your child’s enrollment in a public school.


I have enrolled my child in a certificate program and want to send them to a public school. What is your recommendation?

 Apply for a work permit. Once your work permit is approved, you can send your child to a public school for free under the work permit category. You cannot benefit your child from a free public school with a certificate program alone.


Can I send my child to a free public school after they graduate from college?

If you have a PGWP, you are eligible for this right.


Which school can I send my child to?

School placement is based on the address you provide. The education directorate will register your child at the nearest school with an ESL program to your provided address.


Is it possible to change programs within a college?

There is no problem with transferring from one department to another within a college in terms of immigration laws.


Is it possible to transfer from one college to another?

Informing CIC is a requirement for transferring from one college to another.


What should I pay attention to when changing programs?

Be sure to check if the program is open.


I have an IELTS academic score of 6.0. Can I change programs when I come to Canada?

This is possible, but only if the program you will study is still open.Top of Form


Is it important from the perspective of obtaining a visa, and what should I pay attention to when considering the program, I want to enroll in?

When it comes to visa issues, one of the things to pay attention to is whether the program you want to enroll in is suitable for your graduation. For example, an ITU mechanical engineering graduate may be more appropriate for a graduate certificate program in terms of obtaining a visa. However, it is not desirable from a visa point of view for a graduate of a prestigious school like Istanbul Technical University  to want to enroll in a one/two-year diploma program.


On which date can my child attend state school for free?

The day you officially start your education at the college is the day your child is officially accepted to their school. Before that, you do not have this right.


After I graduate from college, can my child attend state school for free?

If you obtain a Work Permit through PGWP, you can send your child to a free school under this category.


What is PGWP?

Post-Graduation Work Permit is the right to work after graduation.


Can I work while attending college?

If you are attending a Professional Program; you can work up to 20 hours during the education period, and you can work full-time during holidays (semester, summer, winter or spring break).


Can my spouse work while I attending to the college?

Yes, they can work under the Open Work Permit category. 


Can you give me information about college fees?

Every college has this information on their website. You can find information about Conestoga College’s prices at the link below.


Do you know the dates for periodic payments that need to be made for college?


What are the admission requirements for college?

Your Diploma, Transcript, and Passport certified translation and conformity to the special admission criteria of the program you will attend.


What are the language acceptance criteria for colleges?

One of the prerequisites for enrolling in college is language proficiency. Many colleges require the IELTS Academic exam results. It is important to examine each program’s requirements individually. However, the college has also developed a method for this. It has opened language programs within its own structure for at least two months. A candidate who successfully completes this program is eligible to enroll directly in the program. The duration of the language program varies according to your language level.


What documents are required for college enrollment?

Your Diploma, Transcript, and Passport certified translation and conformity to the special admission criteria of the program you will attend.


What is a letter of intent and how is it written?

It is a letter to introduce yourself to the visa officer, and it is a personalized letter. There is no standard form, as it is unique to the individual, so each person should express themselves as best they can.


Can you provide information about the Letter of Acceptance?

The Letter of Acceptance is the letter your school writes to the visa office, stating that you have been accepted as a student.


I took 6 months of language training at a language school. Now I want to start a program directly at the college. Is this possible?

If you have taken language education at another institution and then plan to receive vocational education at the college, the school will test you in any case, and the result…

The above information is not permanent, as schools or the Immigration Ministry may make changes to laws and regulations will change too.


Before Applying Visa for Canada:

I receive a large number of messages and do not charge for consulting. As you can understand, I cannot reply to every inquiry. It is not possible to come to Canada on a work visa. Even if it were, it is outside of my expertise. To be eligible for a meeting, your financial situation should have at least CAD 40,000 in your account.

If you decide to apply for a Canadian visa, you will be required to meet certain conditions and provide the visa officer with convincing information or documents.

These include:

  • Your financial situation
  • Your employment and salary
  • Your spouse’s financial situation and employment
  • A well-written letter of intent
  • Your, your spouse’s, or the applicant’s previous international travels


Now, I would like to briefly explain the above topics:

Your Financial Situation:

  1. Obtain the last 4 months’ bank statement from the bank manager, as the bank manager signs and provides it in English.
  2. The amount of money you show in the bank should be around CAD 40,000, which is the approximate cost of one year of tuition and other expenses.
  3. The money in the bank should not have been deposited recently.
  4. It is not realistic for your father, friend, or relative to show the money deposited in the bank, especially if you are over 30 years old.
  5. If you are coming for educational purposes, it is important to pay for one semester of school.
  6. If you have documents for property, land, or cars, include them, but the visa officer knows that these assets cannot be converted into cash quickly.

Your and Your Spouse’s Employment:

Obtain a document from your employer that shows your salary and position.

If you will be taking a leave of absence from work, obtain a letter from your employer that confirms your salary and position. “The employee whose name is written below will return to work at our company after completing their studies in Canada” is not realistic. Do not ask for such a phrase to be written.

Travel History:

Travel history is becoming increasingly important. American and British visas are important.

Letter of Intent:

The letter of intent is specific to the individual and varies depending on the applicant. When the time comes, ask your consultant to write a detailed and appropriate letter for you.

If you are coming to Canada for college, be sure to explain in detail and convincingly in the letter of intent why you chose Canada, why you chose the specific program, and what your goals are in Canada. Express your intention to return using strong language, not just with vague statements.

Going to Canada to study the Multi-Cultural System or praising the Multi-Cultural System will not have a positive effect on your visa application. This topic is highly academic and does not add value. We do not recommend it, but of course, the decision is yours.


Best regards,

Mehmet Nuri Yesilgoz

1 519 729 29 08

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